And I thought this post would not be complete without several sketches of my family that I did over the weekend. This includes, my brother sitting with terrible posture, my mom and dad sitting on a black leather couch, my grandpa with very high-waisted pants, and my grandma, sitting by her lonesome on a chair. In my family, there is a constant battle between good and evil - between right and wrong - between just and unjust. Are these all the same thing? Perhaps....or perhaps we are all just oysters seeking our shrimp king?
I would like to leave you with something my grandpa told me the last time we parted ways:
"Ana, you should come here by yourself one time. I will tell you things and you will leave a different person."
Scary or intriguing? Maybe both.

I would like to remind you that since the family sketches are done on a yellow legal pad, they are actually legal documents.
hahah....liz. are you for real?
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