You all may be confused by my strangely specific yet elusive title, but once I sort things out for you, it will make PERFECT sense. These three illustrations are for three separate publications that exist on three different corners of the world, but work together in a slow-moving plot for WORLD DOMINATION......just kidding. Well, maybe I'm not kidding. No one will ever know. Not even me.
But anyway onto explaining these drawings:
1) The first one is for a literary publication called The Fray - whose next issue's theme is Sex & Death. How can you go wrong with a theme like that? My particular story was about a young Jewish man who goes on a vacation to Poland with his family to see where all his ancestors had been killed by the Nazis. Instead of focusing on the depressing scenery and stuff going on around him, he instead lusted after his sexy Polish tour guide the entire trip. I loved this concept.
2) The second one is for SF Weekly - on an article that discussed the changing music business - and how it is still remaining profitable despite all the free downloading thats been going on. The general gist was that fans, not business executives, are having more say and more direct contact with their favorite artists - therefore cutting out the "middleman". I see this as a great step in the right direction for both musicians and fans.
3) And the last drawing is for an online magazine called Glasses Glasses. This article was a hilarious commentary on the backwards NYC subway system, written by
Olivia Dunn. References were made to vomit, stabbing, and suicide, so I thought it best to include all three in the illustration! As someone who takes the subway pretty often in New York, I could definitely relate to the madness.
In other news, I am painting a new pair of shoes and a series of soda cans. Once done, I will post pictures!