I recently completed this illustration for The NY Times for their Townies section (exclusively online). This particular section features stories from New Yorkers who write about their experiences living in NYC. The story I illustrated was about this woman who grew up in the Lower East Side with artist parents, and was surrounded by the squalor that was the LES. She later went to a private school in the Upper East Side and longed to fit in with the culture uptown...but eventually came back to Lower Manhatten, realizing the UES was a bit boring!
The article was well written and provided a lot of great imagery for my illustration...though I have to say I didn't sympathize too much with the author...I WISH I could afford to live in any part of Manhattan...and wish I had the luxury of giving up a rent stabilized apartment, haha. Either way...I recommend reading the article!
Click here for a link.
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