So I was looking through some of my older work from college and rediscovered my old life drawings. It made me realize how much I miss drawing from a nude model! Nothing teaches you more about drawing than drawing from life....and I miss it so much! So please anyone who is reading this and is living in the NYC area - if you know of good but cheap life drawing classes in NYC, let me know! I need to do more of this.
The top ink drawing is actually a master copy - not a life drawing (you probably could figure that out), but just thought I'd clarify :)

Try these:
Taco Bell Drawing Club, NYC:
Sketch N Jazz @ the Society:
3rd Ward Drink N Draw(Brooklyn, Morgan Ave stop off of the L Train):
thanks, jess! do you go to the taco bell one? i have been to the third ward drink and draw before....its good, but i would like longer poses!
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