Friday, February 27, 2009

Book by its Cover

Thanks Julia Rothman for posting some pictures of my sketchbook up on her blog/project, "Book by its Cover".
I first found out about Julia through Also Design a couple years back. Then through a series of strange and mysterious events, I met her at a co-worker's birthday party. Its always funny when you meet someone face to face after knowing about them only through their online presence.
But check all this stuff out!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WILCO + LA Weekly

Recently a did a piece for the LA Weekly about B Real and the importance of pot to his life. Apparently, there is a legacy of musicians and pot (hence Willy Nelson and Bob Marley in the background). This really isn't surprising....I just found it very amusing how the writer felt the need to get high while interviewing B Real to get the full effect.
Anyways, the first coloring was where I had him white - but the art director wanted him to be more vibrant and the flames to fade more into the background. So the yellow version is actually the final (even though I'm partial to the first).

And the WILCO poster was submitted as a proposal - and may be used in the future by the band. Or it might not.
Either way - I enjoyed making it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Candy Collective

Thanks to Candy Collective for featuring me on their blog!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

gama go + beer advocate + crazy cat!

So there's an odd assortment of images here - from an assortment of places!
The top one is simply one of my old paint palettes that I decided to draw on top of. I tried incorporating it into a poster but it didn't work out as I planned. Maybe I'll try that again in the future.
Beneath that is another spot I did for Beer Advocate magazine for the Q&A section. The question was why does canned beer taste different than bottled beer? So I decided the two should have a faceoff - with the robot representing the tin flavored canned beer - and the sexy man representing smooth bottled beer. Haha, maybe its a stretch, right?
And finally - the bottom is a vector image I created for Gama Go's women's t-shirt line. I think the image is pretty self explanatory!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

color study backgrounds for nick mag

These were done as the background for the cover of the April issue of Nickelodeon Magazine.
Various celebrity photos/nick mag logos and type would go over this. It started up top with the most complex and ended up being quite simplified as the one at the bottom.

Monday, February 2, 2009

pre-valentines day lover

bw & color